Juice as a cure
 -And Have you tried to drink juices?
Well why "I tried"? I buy often. Multifruit, pineapple, tropic
Yes No, vegetables, fresh. Juice therapy are not fond of?

Now, in late autumn, when the summer reserves of vitamins from fruits and vegetables has not disappeared, and the prices for them soared heights beyond the clouds, it's time to raise the subject. Look at the juice as a means of treatment, disease prevention, and boosting the immune system.

My friend, when she put a very serious diagnosis, and offered to do the operation, decided to do self-medicate. Juices! After the third year, she was cured, while she recovered monthly cycle. At fifty-four years! Here's a potential of juicing.

 Juice as a cure
   You do not have a juicer? A blender or processor with a refining capacity? Also no? But grater and a piece of gauze there exists? All we can study the topic, and tomorrow - "Next, the health and youth! "

Prepare a morning glass of juice from one carrot, a pair of apples and slices of beets is very simple. Drunk on an empty stomach, it will give energy for the whole day, would kill the appetite and allow to move breakfast at a later time. In an hour or two.
During this time, all the utility will be distributed throughout the cell, will warm them and activate, energize, will put in order the intestinal microflora, accelerate metabolism and give the whole day fit and in good mood. But natural cocktail recipe can be changed, focusing on the problems of the body.

Cabbage juice.   Tartronic acid and vitamin C - the most valuable components of the juice for those who want to lose weight. Cabbage juice works great with the flora of the colon. It has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Perfectly ulcer heals internal digestive organs.

Carrot juice.   Active vitamin drink. It is useful for the stomach and intestines, normalizes the liver, improve eyesight, complexion. Excellent toning the entire body. The juice is desirable to add a drop of olive (or other vegetable) oil. For better absorption of carotene contained in carrots.

Beet juice.   Powerful cleaner liver, kidneys, intestines from stones and various putrefaction. Good help for cancer cures hypertension, increases the hemoglobin, facilitates the menopause. Juice is very active, so administered alone it may be not more than 50 g, or in a mixture with other juices.

Potato juice.   Treats peptic ulcer, gastritis, helps with flatulence. The course of treatment 3-4 weeks pure juice of two tablespoons three times a day. You can add to the juices of other vegetables.

Celery juice.   This juice - a great source of calcium and sodium. It is indicated for disorders of the nervous system, blood diseases, obesity. Excellent combined with other juices.

Cucumber juice.   Very rich in trace elements: phosphorus, potassium, calcium and silicon. Drink with gout, as this juice has the ability to excrete uric acid. It may be of great help to the treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases, atherosclerosis, skin diseases.

The juice of black radish.   Juice of black radish is used for anemia, atherosclerosis. Cleaning effect in gallstone disease, and respiratory diseases. Very good in combination with honey.

 Juice as a cure
   There is a old Russian recipe "Beauty Balm" :

- 1 cup of beet juice
- 1 cup of carrot juice
- 1 glass of juice of black radish
- 1 cup of apple juice
- 1 cup honey
- 1 cup of vodka

All components are merged into a glass jar and infuse it in a dark place for two weeks. After straining balm take a tablespoon in the morning and evening. The proportion given is based on the rate for a single person. If there is a peptic ulcer, you can add a glass of lemon juice. The composition has excellent stimulant, tonic and anti-aging properties. Infusion should be prepared until January. Later vegetables lose their active ingredients, and the means will not have the desired effect.

 Juice as a cure
   Vegetable juices are not very tasty, so when cooking, you can add juice of apples, oranges, grapefruit. Can interfere with herbal juices cultures: parsley, fennel, spinach, alfalfa, add the lemon juice. This will improve not only the taste, but also useful. Adding salt excluded.

If it is difficult to drink juice concentrate can be diluted with a little mineral water without gas. Well before the start of the course juicing cleanse the intestines, it will increase the therapeutic effect. The course is usually conducted within 3-4 weeks.

Vegetable juices are biologically very active, so it is useful to consultation with the attending physician.
Author: Tamara Rozinsky