Plants and plant products play an important role in the diet of our food. After all, they - the main suppliers of vitamins, minerals and organic acids.
Knowledge about the healing power of medicinal plants acquired by mankind over the centuries. And the recipes of traditional medicine is very relevant, because not everyone can afford to buy expensive Medications industrial production. But herbal teas and easy to prepare at home.
First, a few words about the dosage and application of such teas. Doses for producing defined portions: each part by weight is 10 grams or one dessert spoon; respectively two parts - 20 grams, or two dessert spoons, etc. Serving tea should be 20 - 30 minutes before meals.
Teas for raising appetite (bitter).
They are not only used to increase appetite, but also to improve digestion.
Recipe number 1.
Mix 8 parts herb wormwood, 2 parts of yarrow herb. Brew 2 cups boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon herbs, insist 30 minutes, filter. Drink a quarter cup 3 times a day.
Recipe number 2.
Make a mixture of 1 part bean trefoil leaves, 1 part yarrow herb, 1 part herb wormwood. Tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, boil, insist 20 minutes, filter. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times per day.
Laxative teas.
Apply in the case of bloating, as well as a laxative.
Recipe number 1.
1 part fennel fruits, 2 pieces of rhizomes with valerian roots, 2 parts peppermint leaves. All mix, brew a tablespoon of boiled water, half an hour insist, filter. Recommended dosage: 2 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.
Recipe number 2.
2 parts peppermint (leaves), 2 parts of chamomile (flowers), 2 parts fennel (seeds), 1 part valerian (root), 2 parts of caraway (seeds). Brewed in a glass of boiling water 2 tsp. Of this collection, and after cooling drink in the morning and evening over a glass.
Vitamin teas.
It is a restorative remedy for hypo-and avitaminosis.
Recipe number 1.
Take one of the hips and one of the rowan berries. 1 tbsp. spoon mixture brew two cups of boiling water, boil 10 minutes, insisting 5:00, filter. Take 3 admission. Store in a cool and dark place.
Recipe number 2.
Berries currant - 2 pieces, rose hips - 1 piece. Brewed mixture and drink like a normal tea.

Breast teas.
Used as an expectorant for coughs.
Recipe number 1.
Take 1 part herb oregano, 2 pieces of leaves mother and stepmother, two of the root Althea. 1 tbsp. spoon collection brewed of 0, 5 liters of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, filter. Drink half a cup every 3 hours.
Recipe number 2.
Mix 1 part of pine buds, 1 part sage leaves, 2 parts of root Althea, 2 parts licorice root, 1 part anise fruit. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this mixture brew 2 cups boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain. Drink a quarter cup every 3 hours.
Recipe number 3.
Leaves mother and stepmother - 4 parts, leaves Plantago lanceolata - 3 pieces, licorice root - 3 parts. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon the mixture, insist 30 minutes, filter. Take a warm half a cup every 3 hours.
Recipe number 4.
All the ingredients are mixed in a powdered form: mullein flowers 2 parts, 4 parts of leaves mother and stepmother, 2 pieces of anise seeds, 8 pieces of root Althea, 1 part violet root, licorice root 3 parts. Brew a tablespoon 2 cups boiling water, half an hour insist. Drink (first filter) for a quarter cup every 3 hours.

Choleretic tea.
This tool is used for liver and gall bladder.
To cook it you need three parts of the leaves of bean trefoil, 4 pieces of Immortelle flowers, 2 parts peppermint leaves, 2 parts of the fruit of coriander. Then, 2 tbsp. spoon mixture brew 2 cups boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Drink half a cup three times a day.
Gastric teas.
Use in disorders of the stomach and intestines as an astringent (protivoponosnoe, Antidiarrheal) and laxatives. Please recipes antidiarrheal medicinal teas.
Recipe number 1.
Take 1 of the rhizomes of Potentilla, 4 pieces of rhizomes mountaineer snake - all mixed. 2 tablespoons brewed. spoon cup boiling water, half an hour insist, filter. Divide into 4 receptions during the day.
Recipe number 2.
We need to take 3 pieces of cherry fruit, 2 parts blueberry. Mix all. Then pour 2 tbsp. spoon 2 cups boiling water, boil for another 20 minutes, drain. Drink three times a day (cooling).
Recipe number 3.
Mix alder cones (2 parts), rhizome mountaineer snake (part 1). 2 tsp. Throw in a glass of boiling water, boil, insist 20 minutes, filter. Drink three times per day.
Next vehicle
regulate the activity of the intestines and stomach
Recipe number 4.
Make a mixture of 3 parts of buckthorn bark, 2 parts peppermint leaves, 3 parts of nettle leaves, 1 part valerian rhizomes with roots, 1 part of the rhizome. 2 tablespoons brewed. spoon 2 cups boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Drink half a cup 2 times a day.
Recipe number 5 (laxative).
Take 2 pieces of nettle leaves, yarrow leaves 2 parts, 3 parts of buckthorn bark - all mixed. 2 tablespoons brewed. spoon mixture of 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink half a glass at night.