Water - our companion harmony
 Everyone knows if without food a person can be quite a long time, here without the constant replenishment of the body's water, he would live only a few days. All metabolic processes proceed only with the participation of water. And that water, return it to a sufficient presence in the cells, is an essential factor of our harmony, not to mention the beauty, youth and health.

It would seem a paradox! After all we know, the initial phase of active weight loss, often the first to lose kilos, takes no fat, the water goes. So why not just reduce water consumption? Maybe if we drink less, then let us weigh less? It turns out that the opposite is true! The more drink (of course within reasonable limits), the slimmer become.

There are three main mechanisms to ensure the harmony of the body :

• First, we must make the fat go beyond the fat cells (lipolysis), where the molecules of fat stored in the depot.

• Second, the fat molecules, left their cells should get into the mitochondria of cells of the body where fat is burned

• And third, the immediate process of burning fat molecules and converting it into energy

And all three phases water plays a decisive role. If the cells are withered, they little moisture, the cell metabolism is not carried out practically. Saturated water cells burn a lot of fat, and withered - a little, and they do not try, with a deficit of water in the body to get rid of excessive fullness fail.

Where in the body is hidden water

The fluid in our bodies are everywhere: 80% of the muscles consist of water, there is water in the bones, liver, kidney and spleen consist of water by nearly 65 percent, the connective tissues and joints by about 40 percent. The cells in the tissue (intercellular fluid) and the blood vessels is a constant exchange of liquid and this liquid is taken from the intestine.

Enjoying every sip of clear clean water can be represented as it washes all the internal organs of the body, it circulates in the blood vessels, nourishes the tissue, makes work more actively every cell in the body and leaves the body, taking away all the decay products, waste and toxins.

Sometimes, of course, goes away and not all ... cases of fluid retention in the tissues, if there are no problems with the heart and kidneys, often explained it insufficient water consumption. When the body gets enough water, it perceives this as a threat to survival and begins to retain every drop. The cells suffer from thirst, can not provide normal metabolic processes, and in the intercellular space accumulates liquid. Why is this water does not enter the cells are dehydrated? It turns out that every cell in the body has a protective membrane having two layers. Through the pores in the membrane into the cell, together with a stream of water coming nutrients. The work of the miniature "pumps" that involve cell and pumped liquid head two minerals: sodium and potassium.

Natrium   It absorbs water and holds it, and potassium   on the contrary, it removes the water. Therefore, it is important to keep the water-salt balance. In case of violation of too much liquid accumulates in tissues outside the cells, while the cells themselves practically die of thirst. And as we already know, if the water in the cells is not enough, starts lipolysis, and the cells will not be able to burn fat. For weight loss and restoration of water-salt balance, experts recommend to adhere to proper drinking regime and comply with the principles of a balanced diet, most of which should be vegetable products, has a slight diuretic effect.

 Water - our companion harmony

When and how much, or the fundamental rights vodopitiya

How much water do we need each day to man? It depends on the characteristics of the organism, weight, physical activity. Disputes about the amount of water needed for the normal functioning of the body, lasting for decades. To date, according to most scientists, the rate of water consumption for an adult - about 30 - 40 ml per kilogram of body weight.

Not so long ago, was a very popular theory that to maintain good health a person should drink a day for about eight glasses of water. However, rigorous scientific verification, based on statistical data, these guidelines do not seem to exist.

A lot depends on the individual, lifestyle, food habits, and even the weather. If you follow the recommendations, such as Chinese medicine, drink daily 5 cups of green tea, you drink more and two liters of water will be clear enumeration.

Part of the liquid needed by the body, we get by using products, many fruits and vegetables consist almost entirely of water. Yes, and other drinks - juices, tea, coffee - it is also liquid.

But, as if there was not, one thing is certain, clear, refreshing water - the perfect choice   of all the drinks, especially for losing weight, because it does not contain calories.

There is even a special diet - "Water", essentially it's just a low-calorie food with the use of large amounts of water, up to 4 liters. I personally am wary to all sorts of diets. All diets have a very significant disadvantages, it has water and diet. If a person consumes 4 or more liters of fluid a day, washed out of the body the necessary minerals. Increased intracranial pressure, which causes severe headaches.

Yes, excessive water consumption reduces the feeling of hunger, thus helping to lose weight. The feeling of saturation of the water really occurs, but only for a short time. But the damage from trying to replace the power of water can be very significant.

So replace the food with water is not worth it! And get rid of the false hunger and excessive appetite water will help us.

Terms of use of water for at least offered by most professionals, are simple enough :

- Drink the first glass of liquid immediately after sleep, he will join the moisture reserves in the body and will start work in the digestive system.

- Drink water whenever feel thirsty.

- If you feel the desire to eat, even though objective grounds for there is no hunger, drink a glass of water.

- Before meals, drink water so you most satisfied, the number of calories consumed is reduced.

- Shortly after a meal, drink a little water. First, the digestion process will slow down, and the feeling of satiety will last longer, and secondly, the water will wash away with the mucous language microparticles food which, irritating the mucous membrane, causing some drooling and a desire to chew something.

It is important to note that the water you drink after a meal should not be cold. At the time (back in the 60s of the last century), the researchers conducted experiments and found that if you drink food iced water or other cold beverages, while her stay in the stomach is reduced to 20 minutes (instead of 4-5 hours). That is to say, half an hour after eating you feel hungry again, and this is a direct way to overeating.

So, we drink water in sufficient quantities and become slimmer!

Of course to gain a slim figure, just drink water enough. As they say, a necessary condition, but not sufficient! How not cool, but the main rule - calories exceed parish. If it is not fulfilled, the remaining steps are meaningless. But the next term success in the way of weight loss - it is an accelerated metabolism. How to achieve it? It is not hard, do some exercise and ... drink water!
Author: Olga Travleeva