What to eat in the winter?
 In winter, I want to always eat something such, particularly fat, because under bulky sweaters are not particularly visible honestly acquired by kilogrammchiki. But we forget that in winter, our body needs support. We strongly lean on vitamins and garlic, forgetting that there is a wide selection of products that help us survive the cold, strengthen the immune system and maintain a good mood.

Want to know what kind of products, then read our list of useful winter food:

Lettuce.   This green one mark throughout a greater extent as an element table decoration. At the same time we forget that it is rich in vitamins such as A and C, also contains calcium, which is very necessary in order to strengthen bones, to maintain a balance of minerals, stimulate the metabolism.

 What to eat in the winter?
   Lettuce also contains beta-carotene, which helps enhance vision. To this product have learned well, it should be used with vegetable oil or sour cream.

 What to eat in the winter?
 Beets.   How many wonderful dishes can be prepared from beets. Soup, salad and other salads, you can bake it and serve under the dressing. It is considered a dietary product. So do not be afraid of it better. It contains substances help in preventing cardiovascular diseases. It is also believed that the beets improves endurance during exercise.

Cabbage . Different. And each class characterized by certain beneficial properties. The main advantages of cabbage that she is credited with the ability to kill and block the growth of cancer cells. It is also believed that cabbage can stimulate the liver, making it capable of destroying pesticides and carcinogens.

 What to eat in the winter?
 Cranberry.   This is another winter guest. Tasty as sugar and of itself. From it you can cook wonderful fruit drinks, cakes, can be added to the sauerkraut. Autumn-Winter - season this delicious berry. It contains a lot of minerals and useful for the organism lutein.

 What to eat in the winter?
 Pumpkin.   Winter vegetables - a storehouse of nutrients that strengthen our immune system and help to cope with colds. They have a high nutritional value. Pumpkin has long been known, and is known for its beneficial properties. However, in recent years more and more about her forget. And for good reason. Enough dietary product, and can be used in a variety of dishes. Starting from salads and ending with desserts.

Carrots and Mango . Mango - exotic fruit, which is loved by many in our country. It is believed that regularly using it, we can help the body to inhibit the emergence and growth of cancer cells. Mango is rich in iron, so it is good to use for people suffering from anemia, and pregnant women. Also, this fruit is good as a mask, regular use helps to make the skin more clean. Among the useful features there are: improving digestion, low in carbohydrates, rich in vitamins A and E.

As for the carrots, then it is used wherever possible. And to flavor and beauty. Regularly eat raw carrots, seasoned with butter or sour cream - is necessary because the nutrients contained in it, have a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails, improve vision and digestion, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, regulate blood pressure. And nursing mothers contribute to the increase in the amount of breast milk.

 What to eat in the winter?
 Citrus.   Lemons, tangerines, oranges, Pamela, grapefruit every possible colors. Although it is quite allergenic fruit, they possess a number of advantages. Rich in vitamins, fiber, flavonoids. Increase the body's resistance to colds, increase vitality, are the prevention of cancer.

 What to eat in the winter?
 Kiwi . It is proven that the fruit contains several times more Vitamin C than citrus. It can be used as a separate dish or added to salads.

Garlic and onions . This couple needs no introduction.

Garnet . Did you know that one pomegranate contains about 40% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. It also can be found vitamins A and E, folic acid (which is useful for the brain and nervous system), and a lot of fiber. Recent studies show that regularly eating a pomegranate, you will strengthen your teeth, improve the state of the cardiovascular system and bones.

If you notice that all winter fruits are very colorful. It is not surprising, because fall and winter are so few colors around us, early and late in the dark dawns, hence the blues. Surround yourself with color, you increase your vitality.
Author: Vera Karabutova