Read our collection of original tips for beauty and youth, you are sure to love this magical marinade. And maybe start to do canning cucumbers and cabbage, at least for the sake of the efficiency of the brine.
1. Anti-hangover
It is the most popular recipe. Brine really helps after a very fun night with lots of alcohol. This national drink replenishes sodium levels, reduced because of alcohol, as well as helps with rehydration (fluid loss). By the way, the brine drink in the morning, not only in Russia, this recipe, we can say international.
2. After an intense workout
You know that professional athletes drink after exercise? Not only coconut water. Sometimes an ordinary cucumber pickle. Scientifically proven (study 2010), that the brine will just stop muscle cramps after exercise - in just 85 seconds. There is another explanation. Sweating leaches minerals and electrolytes from the body (such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium), special drinks replenish losses. The brine can be an excellent alternative to the restoration of cocktails. Perhaps that is why some recover after a workout drinks are flavored fennel?

3. ICP and the critical days
The brine can be used as a remedy for menstrual cramps. In these days the body also requires a large number of minerals that are abundantly in brine.
4. To improve the taste
The marinade can be used when cooking. For example, it will give a taste of the fantastic side dish of potatoes. Here potatoes can be cooked without salt, which is important for health. Hot potatoes very well activates any odors, and the brine has a pleasant fresh scent, and your food will smell sweet. Use brine, and as a salad dressing (brine + olive oil instead of high-calorie mayonnaise).
5. Cocktail
This method of consumption of whiskey became popular in London in 2011, and now this cocktail is drunk in bars and restaurants in different countries. Whiskey and pickle become a trend in the US order. Want to try a fashionable novelty? Bartenders world is now promoting the brine as an excellent addition to the whiskey. Sweet and sour pickle extinguishes burn mucous, which happens on the whiskey soothes the taste buds and prevents the so-called aftershock after a very strong alcohol. There are a few trendy cocktail recipes, this classic London titled "Electric Diner": 50 ml Irish whiskey Jameson and 35 ml brine home. Serve this drink in different ways: simply as a liquid, such as a refrigerated beverage and frozen in stacks.

6. As vinegar
The brine can be used as an adequate substitute for vinegar. Take any recipe with vinegar (salad dressings, soups, side dishes) and replace the brine. Essentially, brine - is rich vinegar, with a large number of useful active ingredients.
7. From Heartburn
Brine advised to take heartburn, better combining with food.
8. For cleaning
Brine can effectively clean the blackened copper pots that are not washed for years. It also cleans the grill from the charred areas and spots.
9. To prepare bread
We get a very tasty sort of bread with a delicate aroma of dill and pickle. To prepare 1 loaf will need:
- 1 cup of warm brine with dill, fennel grind;
- 1 tablespoon olive oil;
- 1 tablespoon chopped dill dry root;
- 1 tablespoon sugar;
- One-quarter teaspoon of salt;
- 3 cups flour (unbleached);
- 3 teaspoons dry yeast.
Preparation time - 25 minutes. As mixing the dough can be added a little flour if the dough is too wet, it must be resilient lumpy. It is best to mix the dough in the bread machine. A bake - in the oven at a temperature of 95-100 degrees, when the dough rise.

10. Reuse
If you bank with tomatoes or cucumbers devastated and brine left, then it is possible to marinate other vegetables: onion, carrot, pepper, garlic. A few days later you have a new piece of pickled spices. These pickles - a nice snack at the low-calorie diet.
11. As a marinade for meat
Any meat dish takes on a surprising tenderness and juiciness, if the meat marinate beforehand. The same can kebab marinate in the brine. Pork, beef, chicken - these meats improve its taste, if before frying or extinguishing them marinate in the brine. This dish can not salt, it will relieve the swelling and fluid retention, helps weight loss.
12. To prepare the fish
Instead of lemon juice you can sprinkle the fish with marinade. And here is the recipe for a healthy - fish cooked with the addition of water, brine and salt-free. Instead of boring taste you expect a real discovery.
13. From hiccups
Scientific evidence for this is not, but many people argue that the number one remedy for hiccups - a small glass of brine. The same international recipe for a hangover.

14. In the garden
Growers are advised to use the brine as herbicides, ie, to eliminate the weeds. And for pets is a means of safely. But the question is: how much is necessary to have brine and where so much to take?
15. In order to detox
When detox diet, it is important to consume acidic drinks and cocktails (based on lemon juice, lime juice, cranberry) in the early afternoon. Brine also has an acidic environment. Add the ice cubes and start the day with this drink. Hangover is not being. You will feel like accelerate metabolism and experience the ease at the beginning of the day.