Skin problems, or again on a clean skin
 In addition there are many other Acne dermatological conditions which bring a lot of trouble to their owners, including aesthetic, but which "wrongly" overshadowed.

Our skin - this is the real mirror reflecting the physical and psychological condition vse¬go body. Fatty foods, smoking, stress immediately make themselves known rash, irritation, wrinkles. However, the current boom is experiencing a struggle with acne or acne, overshadowing other equally unpleasant dermatological problems: seborrhea, dermatitis, allergic rashes, diaper rash, etc.


Seborrhea - a skin disease that is characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, as well as changes in the chemical composition of the skin sebum. Until now, the etiology remains unclear seborrhea. However, physicians agreed that this disease provokes the wrong skin care and hair, atmospheric factors, metabolic disorders, as well as a fairly common reaction to yeast fungus (Ptyrosporum ovale). The main places of localization of seborrhea are the face, scalp, chest, back. Experts identify three of its forms: fat   (compaction and decreased elasticity of the skin, boils, abscesses comedones) dry   (horny scales on the scalp, pink spots on the skin), and mixed .

How to deal?

 Skin problems, or again on a clean skin
   - In the case of any form of seborrhea doctors recommend drinking various fortifying agents, biogenic stimulants, vitamins (A, B group, D, E) and sulfur preparations, calcium, copper, iron, zinc oxide.

- Cosmetics for treatment of the disease offer the following treatments: mesotherapy, darsonvalization and cryomassage.

- Traditional treatments for seborrhea tested for centuries. The only danger that can wait for you - it is intolerant of any ingredients hand-made formulations.

Scored against seborrhea . Take shredded oak bark, fill it with filtered water at a ratio of 1: 5 and kipyatitite 20-30 minutes. Then, leave for 40-60 minutes, strain. Add 1-2 teaspoons of liquid honey. Rub into the hair roots.

 Skin problems, or again on a clean skin

Oral dermatitis

Oral dermatitis - a rash on the face in the form of red spots of varying intensity, which depends on external factors (temperature, pressure, humidity). As in the case of seborrhea, the exact cause of the disease has not yet been determined. One of the assumptions of experts on the etiology of oral dermatitis - a reaction to mikroorganiz¬my that live on the skin of the face (mites or fungus) or cosmetics having in their composition fluorine, formaldehyde, exotic extracts.

How to deal?

Before you run headlong into a drugstore and buy medicines that advised girlfriend, because she was "the same thing, and it helped these tubes," we should remember that the root cause of the inflammatory response may reveal only a specialist, who will appoint the appropriate treatment.


 Skin problems, or again on a clean skin
 Herpes - a viral disease, which manifests itself in characteristic blisters on the lips, nose wings, sexual orga¬nah. In addition, you can raise the temperature to 38 ° C, appear weakness and malaise. Scientists believe that the herpes enters the body at birth and remains there for life, while it may no manifest itself. When the immunity of the person for some reason weakened, herpes virus starts aktiviziro¬vatsya.

How to deal?

Modern medicine offers to fight the herpes virus potent antiviral drugs that can be prescribed only by the doctor. Unfortunately, the people's money in this case is not valid.


Diaper rash - a dermatological problem, mainly associated with overweight and awkward, tight clothes made of substandard materials. According to medical experts, diaper rash appear because of friction contact surfaces of the motion and heat, sweating, obesity, lack of hygiene. The most dangerous is the fact that diaper rash can trigger eczema.

How to deal?

To get rid of diaper rash, you just need to eliminate the causes of its cause: to change clothes, lose weight, gain the appropriate drugs to eliminate the symptoms of diaper rash such as talcum powder or a special cream.
Author: Inna Sedykh